ANSI 107 & CSA Z96 - Background Materials Testing

Conspicuity is an important aspect of high visibility products, as the safety of the user is dependent upon the person being visible in both day and night. ANSI/ISEA 107 and CSA Z96 require background materials to be tested in an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. ArcWear can assist with testing to ANSI 107 for compliance with the requirements for high visibility products per care instructions provided by clients.

ArcWear will issue a full statement of compliance for materials meeting the minimum requirements of the standard. Typical turnaround is 5-10 business days.

ArcWear a Division of Kinectrics is the only true one-stop-shop for certification to ANSI 107, CSA Z96 and a host of Arc flash, Flame and Thermal Testing with data accepted by UL, ASTM’s Affiliate SEI and Notified bodies in the EU.  


  • Colorfastness of the fluorescent materials is measured as-received and after 40 AATCC Fading Units using AATCC 16.3 Colorfastness to Light Xenon Arc. Both chromaticity and luminance are measured using a spectrophotometer and compared to the color requirements in Table 3 of ANSI/ISEA 107

AATCC 135 Dimensional Change

AATCC 8 Colorfastness to Crocking

  • ArcWear is accredited to perform AATCC Test Method 8 Colorfastness to Crocking: Crockmeter Method, which is used to evaluate the amount of color transferred from a textile to other surfaces through rubbing. Testing is performed and color change is evaluated using the AATCC Gray Scale for Staining.

AATCC 15 Colorfastness to Perspiration

  • Colorfastness to perspiration is used to measure a material’s ability to withstand color change when exposed to acid perspiration. Testing is performed and color change is evaluated using the AATCC Gray Scale for Color Change.

AATCC 61 Colorfastness to Laundering

AATCC 133 Colorfastness to Heat: Hot Pressing

  • The method is used to evaluate the resistance of color change in textiles to hot pressing (used to smooth and shape textiles) using a heating device with a controlled temperature. Testing is performed and color change is evaluated using the AATCC Gray Scales for Color Change and Staining.

ASTM D1424 Tearing Strength

ASTM D3787/D6797 Bursting Strength

  • ASTM D6797 (CRE) and ASTM D3787 (CRT) are used to evaluate bursting strength of materials on a tensile testing apparatus. A ball-burst fixture with a steel ball is placed in the apparatus and the force required to burst the textile is recorded.

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