ISO 9185 Resistance to molten metal splash

ArcWear works with BTTG to perform ISO 9185 Protective Clothing–Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash.

EN/ISO 9185:2007 Protective clothing — Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash is designed for secondary fabrics to protect workers in foundries. For primary fabrics most companies use ASTM F955 with a larger mass of the molten metal to test.

The ISO standard specifies a method for assessing the heat penetration resistance of materials intended for use in clothing to protect against large splashes of molten metal. It provides specific procedures for assessing the effects of splashes of molten aluminum or [aluminium], molten cryolite, molten copper, molten iron and molten mild steel. The principle of the test method is applicable to a wider range of hot molten materials than those for which specific procedures are set out, provided that appropriate measures are applied to protect the test operator. The test uses seven 260 mm X 100 mm samples (leather requires larger samples due to shrinkage). The mass of molten metal is poured at a specific angle.  The ISO method specifies three levels of protection.

See ISO – ISO 9185:2007 – Protective clothing — Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash

Molten Aluminum (grams)

Protection Level










350g or greater


For Aluminum the following apply.

Molten Aluminum [Aluminium]

Metal Melting Point

780°C ± 20°C


Pour Angle

60° ± 1°


225 mm ± 5mm

 The specimen is prepared per the standard either pristine or laundered and the molten metal is poured onto the fabric over an insulated panel board with a PVC skin simulant membrane.  The protection of the fabric compared to the Stoll Curve is recorded and the fabric receives a pass/fail rating for the specific molten metal for a known mass.

The D value represents the level of protection. Optimum protection in a foundries will depend on the metal type, the type of risk, the level of automation, the type of plant, the splash risk, and the climate of the area. Worker comfort is often a deciding factor on secondary clothing in particular.

The method is cited for use by the ISO 11612 Flame resistant protective clothing and the ISO 11611 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes standard.

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